First Grade
The mission of Holy Spirit is to develop independent, life-long learners who can and will live for Christ.
Discovering While Growing in God's Love
In First Grade, we are committed to helping each child reach their academic goals by encouraging them to become active, engaged learners. The First Grade program builds upon the foundation skills learned in Kindergarten and at home. At Holy Spirit School, we encourage spiritual growth, critical thinking, creativity and respect for self and others.
In First Grade, each student will participate in:
Learn and recite prayers including the: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Guardian Angel Prayer, and Prayer Before Meals
Retell Bible stories including the: Story of Creation, Noah's Ark, Christmas Story, Easter Story, story of the Good Samaritan, and Pentecost
Identify the members of the Holy Family
Recognize Peter as the first Pope
Identify the parts of the Bible
Understand the importance of the Sacraments, especially Baptism
Decode and comprehend grade-level material
Read grade-level material with fluency
Retell a story including characters, plot, theme and beginning, middle and end
Compare and contrast experiences of characters
Use informational text features
Ask and answer questions about the main topic and details in a text
Write upper and lower case letters legibly using Handwriting Without Tears
Form sentences using capital letters and ending punctuation
Spell and use high-frequency words correctly
Use phonetic spelling and spelling patterns correctly
Use descriptive words in writing
Write narratives, opinions, and informative/expository pieces using details, sequenced events, reason, facts and closure
Actively listen to the speaker
Follow multiple-step directions
Actively participate in classroom discussions
Add and subtract within 20
Demonstrate fluency for addition and subtraction facts through 10
Create and solve story problems
Count, read and write numbers through 200
Count and group objects in ones, tens and hundreds
Compare and order numbers
Measure and compare length and time using standard and non-standard units
Represent and interpret data using picture, bar, and line graphs, and tally charts
Identify, describe and compare geometric shapes
Create and combine 2-D and 3-D shapes
Identify fractions for halves, thirds and fourths
Determine the best strategy for problem-solving
Kansas history
Map skills
Economics, needs versus wants
Community helpers and structures
Identify the five senses
Graph weather patterns and identify seasonal changes
Learn basic Earth elements
Identify basic animal needs, habitats, and behaviors
Chart plant life cycle and environmental needs
Observe and identify the phases of matter
Shawnee Mission South High School Animal and Nature Lab
Various guest speakers and in-school events (e.g. Ernie Miller Nature Center, STEM Science Museum, Randy Nadler)