The mission of Holy Spirit is to develop independent, life-long learners who can and will live for Christ.
Preschool Class Times
Three year old Class Options:
Tues/Thurs AM: 8:00-12:00
Mon/Wed/Fri AM: 8:00-12:00
Four year old Class Options :
Mon-Fri AM: 8:00-12:00
Pre-Kindergarten Class Options:
Monday through Friday: All Day 7:50-3:15
Look At What We're Learning
God created me and the world - God created my family and church family
Sign of the Cross
Guardian Angel prayer
Blessing before meals
Creation Story, Noah's Ark, Good Shepherd, Loaves and Fishes, Good Samaritan, and many other Bible stories
Pencil grip
Recognizing and writing our name
Letter identification, formation and letter sounds aided by Handwriting Without Tears and Animated
LiteracyListening and Comprehension skills
Nursery Rhymes
Basic reading skills: how to hold the book, turn the pages, follow words from left to right
Journal entries: field trip reflections, response to prompts, lesson reflections
Show and Tell: sharing our ideas and questions with our class
Calendar and Circle Time: prayer, days of the week, reciting ABCs, month of the year, weather, counting, letter of the week
Number identification (How it looks)
Number sense(How do I make that number)
Number formation (How do I write that number)
Basic shapes - 1 to 1 correspondence
Community Helpers
Parents provide our basic needs
Life on the farm
Taking care of our Earth
Where do I live? (address, phone number, city, country, planet, school)
Johnny Appleseed
Life cycles (butterfly, frog, pumpkin)
Basic scientific method (question, prediction, experiment, compare)
Hand washing with our school nurse, Mrs. Schropp
Taking care of our body (germs, eating healthy, exercise, dental hygiene)