
 The mission of Holy Spirit is to develop independent, life-long learners who can and will live for Christ.

Mrs. Merfen
School Office Manager

(913) 492-2582

Mrs. Loftus
Marketing, Enrollment, and Events Director

School Office

Whether you have a question about Holy Spirit, need information about admission, would like to tour the school, or need to schedule a meeting with the principal, we're here to help!  Below you'll find general registration information. If you'd like, please call the school office at (913) 492-2582.

Admissions Information

Registration Process: Is considered complete when, after touring our school, both the registration form and fee, along with the Tuition Selection Form, are turned in and any/all current school year fees are paid in full. Once a grade level is considered "full," all future registrations will be placed on a waiting list in the event an opening becomes available.

Current Students: During the admission process, our first commitment is to the current school families. Enrollment for the upcoming school year takes placed in January.  At that time, registration forms are sent home to each current school family.  Non-refundable registration fees must accompany the registration forms. These fees are not applied toward tuition for the upcoming year.

New Parishioners: Registration for Holy Spirit Catholic Church parishioners who are new to the school will take place following the current school family registration period.  Announcements will be posted in the Holy Spirit Catholic Church bulletin two weeks prior to registration.  Parents will be required to take a tour and complete all necessary forms.  Non-refundable registration fees are due at the time of registration.  The registration fee is not applied toward tuition for the upcoming school year.

Other Parishes:  Catholic children from other parishes may be admitted once Holy Spirit Catholic Church receives written permission from the family's current pastor/principal permitting transfer of the family/student to Holy Spirit.

Non-Catholic: After all Catholic registrations have occurred, children of other faiths may be admitted if openings are available.  Since the Catholic school curriculum and activities are designed to support community-building and our Catholic mission, it is important for all students to participate in all school activities.  To this end, non-Catholic students are expected to participate in liturgical and prayer services (with the exception of receipt of Sacraments, open only to members of the Catholic faith) and are not exempted from these or religion/theology class requirements. (Archdiocesan Policy #6010)